
Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Difference Between “How Are You” and “How Are You Doing” Karen Hertzberg Karen Hertzberg Updated on June 13, 2018 HOW TO

The Difference Between “How Are You” and “How Are You Doing”

Almost daily, we’re asked, “How are you?” The question—and its popular variation, “How are you doing?”—appears in emails from strangers and acquaintances and in polite face-to-face conversation. But what do we really know about this ubiquitous phrase?

What’s the difference between “How are you” and “How are you doing?”

The phrases sound similar, but in certain contexts, they may have subtly different meanings.
How are you? makes a slightly more personal inquiry about someone’s health or mood. It focuses on the person’s condition. It’s also a bit more formal than “How are you doing?”
How are you doing? is a general inquiry. It can ask about what’s going on in someone’s environment (similar to questions like, “How’s your day been so far?”) or in some
contexts can mean “How are you faring?” or “Do you need anything?” (Think of a server approaching your table at a restaurant and asking, “How are we doing here?”) It’s considered a bit more casual and conversational than “How are you?”
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In an audible conversation, the perceived differences between the two phrases can vary regionally. Take this example from a forum discussion on the topic:
In my experience as a native speaker in the Middle Atlantic region . . . “How are you?” is a bland greeting for someone you haven’t seen for a while, while “How are you doing?” . . . may be an actual inquiry. The latter is more common when there is some expectation that the subject might not be doing well.
For example: “Hey, haven’t seen you in ages! How are you?” versus . . . “How are you doing: is the new baby still keeping you up all night?”
When spoken, both phrases convey unique meanings depending on which word is accented. “How are you?” might come across as a one-size-fits-all greeting, but “How are you?” would have a more personal or sincere tone, or even one of concern. A rather flat “How are you doing?” can become outright flirtatious when spoken, “How are you doing?” (especially if you drop the “are” and affect your best Joey Tribianni accent.)

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